Issue Seven: Rethinking Revision teaches readers how to successfully revise their academic work. If someone were to ask me to revise my work before reading this issue, I would focus heavily on correcting spelling and grammar. I would possibly remove some sentences or add some sentences here and there, but that is as far as I would go. I never thought about revising work as anything more than just making simple corrections on the surface, but this issue has taught me that this is not the case. According to Issue 7, revision is about "seeing a composition anew, with fresh eyes-- seeing your work as if you were another reader" (Losh et al). Issue 7 goes on to discuss how Ethos, Logos, and Pathos connects to revising your writing. "Do your rhetorical choices present you as a trustworthy writer? Is your reasoning presented logically? Are you attentive to how you move the emotions of your audience?" (Losh et al). Ethos, Logos, and Pathos were a very important ...